Hot Yoga: lose a kilogram an hour – and feel the benefits!

Easy done! It’s called ‘Hot Yoga’ or ‘Bikram Yoga’ – yoga performed in 40 degree heat (that’s 104 degrees Fahrenheit)


I’ve just completed four sessions over the last week in Lund, Sweden. Of course most of that one kilogram went straight back on each time, rehydrating myself. BUT I have lost well over a kilogram over the four sessions.

I quite like performing yoga and some of what we were taken through by Nikki and Maria I have done before – but never in this heat! The benefits are the same as with conventional yoga – but much enhanced, in my view. And stepping outside the studio, after a shower, into the crisp Swedish air is really invigorating.

Hot yoga seems to have taken off in Sweden (I went to Nikki Boklund’s studio in Lund: and ) and there are plans to open several in the UK.

One more thing: there is obviously lot of perspiration around during the sessions but never once have I detected any odour at all. That’s pristine Swedish hygiene for you. Everything is immaculate in Nikki’s studio – and there are orange slices to suck and lemon water to drink.

I can thoroughly recommend hot yoga.

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  1. I agree.
    The studio and the yoga is so fabulous and awesome and the yoga mentors are just lovely! The studio in Lund is really as the owner Nikki Boklund say, please feel that this is "your home" One really feel at home there and are just longing for the next time...For me this will be tomorrow for two classes. Namasté

  2. You write so kindly David that we just have to come over and open a studio where you are, helping the UK to slim down.


    Nikki and Maria


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